Not much to say here but at least it's something! He also wanted me to tell you guys that he only get's 30 minutes on P day for e-mails so if you e-mail him he'll have to respond in letter form.
We sent off his first care package with his requested items...and then some!
Here's what he wrote: (you can tell he's typing really fast.....gotta beat the clock!)
Hey Guys, Pday in monday. i am useing one of the computers in the laundry room right now. thats just the thing to do haha. i only have 30 min. there is a timer that automaticaly times you out. it sucks.but life is good. you should be getting a letter soon. i need peoples adresses. please send letters. especialy if it has info i will need, the server does not alwasy work and i dont alwasy have access. but you guys should cef. send mountain dew, and other food. its all allowed. and there is a room contest comming up for tight pants, so i need you to send them up please, i will not wear them anyware else:) also dont swear in a letter, they are monitered and i dont want to loose privlages. i love you guys so much and am so happy to de here. getting pics to you is realy complicated so i will just send you the card.that should work better. i am learning so much. cant lose a tag right now i have a hard enough time keeping track of the 2 i have. haha. but we use both regularly. basicaly me schedule is, wake up, pray, get dressed eat. 4 hours of class and songs and prayes scaterd throughouteat and sleep. haha well clothes are done got to go. love you lots